Polkesraya is a public health educational institution under Indonesian Ministry of Health located in Central Kalimantan Province. As an educational institution, Polkesraya plays a role in improving public health status through health education in various disciplines. Referring to the analysis of institutional development, publication of research results and dissemination of activity results, Polkesraya established a flagship program, namely “Youth Health”. This flagship program is expected to be able to compete at the national, international or global level in accordance with the vision and mission of Polkesraya.
One of the targets to be achieved by Polkesraya’s center of excellence for youth is to become the organizer, speaker, and presenter at international conference. This annual international seminar is entitled “Polkesraya International Conference” (PIC). The theme of the 2022 PIC is “Optimizing Early Child Growth Development for Future Adolescents in Sustainable Development Era: Does Environmental Affect the Child Health”. This PIC event involves 4 countries. England (UK) represents the west, Australia represents the south, while Singapore and Indonesia as the host represents Southeast Asia.
The holding of this International Conference is expected to further introduce Polkesraya to various countries in the world. On top of that, a wide or worldwide network of cooperation is expected to take place to support the three pillars of higher education